What is the Best Martial Art for my Child?

What is the Best Martial Art for my Child?

I am sure you asked this very question because you want what is best for your child!  As a parent, it probably feels quite challenging to know how best to direct your child towards a martial art without any experience.  As a parent myself, I completely understand!  I hope this helps.

So the answer to the question…what is the best martial art for my child is for you the parent to find a school and instructor that has a teaching style, philosophy and intention for your child that matches what you would ultimately want for your child!   It is not a question of style or form, but a question of teaching style, philosophy and intention.

Any  instructor or school you are considering should be able to communicate this information, and you should be able to see it in every class!  Let me share our teaching style, philosophy and intention in hopes that it provides you with some clarity.

Our teaching style is to provide a positive, nurturing, fun, challenging and rewarding environment for your child.

Our teaching philosophy is that your child should not be focused on competing against other kids but should be focused on competing against them self.  By focusing on constant daily improvement in their attitude, concentration, technique, balance and coordination they accelerate their own self mastery, confidence and self expression.  Martial art becomes their time for personal growth, raising their standards and focusing on them self.

This is the major difference between true traditional martial arts and combative sports like Tae Kwon Do or Jui Jitsu.   Traditional martial art focuses on self improvement, combat sports focus on beating someone.   If your child’s primary focus is on whether they can beat the other kids, then they are not focusing on them self and most of the internal benefits are lost.  I have talked about this before, but it is my profound belief that styles that focus on competition undermine most of the benefits of martial arts.  Commonly what you see is physically gifted kids thriving and others struggling, losing interest and quitting.     

I believe martial arts should provide the same opportunity for all kids to grow and thrive!                                                                                                                          

Your child deserves one thing that they can participate in that allows them feel great about them self…free of competition, don’t they?

Lastly, our intention is to use our martial art and self defense teaching to provide the tools that help your child to thrive in life and be happy.   It is our intention to assist you in raising a well rounded child who thrives socially and academically, is confident and respectful, has a great sense of who they are and the determination and courage to reach for a bright future.  Physical and mental self mastery, and the ability to defend them-self becomes the foundation for inner confidence, high self esteem and personal self belief!

I hope understanding our teaching style, philosophy and intention helps you to figure out what you want for your child.

 Click here for more on a kids program! 

Click here for more about a Tiny Tigers Program!  Ages 3 – 5


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